How does it work?

Step 1: Book your surprise citytrip

Discover a great European city for a fixed low price. When you book, you can choose the preferable departure dates and different extra options so that we could book you a surprise trip completely to your own liking. Do you want to exlclude some destinations or would you like to stay in a 4-star hotel? You can personalize your booking during the reservation. You can make a reservation for a maximum of 10 people for our fixed low rate.

Step 2: Receive your destination within 7 days

We do our very best to put together a great trip for you. Within 7 days you will receive the booking confirmation. Then you will find out the destination of your trip. Also in the booking confirmation you will find all the information about your trip such as the departure date, in what hotel you are staying and from which airport you depart.

Step 3: Discover a new city!

The journey can begin. We will supply you with all information and help prior to the trip to ensure a hassle-free journey. Have a good flight!

What is included

  • Return flight
  • 10 kg handluggage per person
  • Accommodation in a 3-star hotel with private bathroom
  • Departure from an airport of your preference
  • No reservation or booking fees

What we guarantee

  • A safe destination
  • The destination is revealed within 7 days
  • Free live chat service where you can get an answer on all your questions
  • A fixed low price
  • Hotel located max. 30 min out of the city centre