Frequently asked questions

Find here the answer on your question

About the Surprise Citytrip

What are the departure times of my flights?

We try to make your trip as long as possible. However, we are depending on several matters like any destinations that can be excluded or other extra options that are bought. It can happen that you depart at the end on the day of departure, in this case we make sure that you don't fly home early home on the way back. We never book return flights that depart before 08:30 on your way home.

What can I add optionally when booking my trip?

During booking you can add the following options: - Breakfast - €15 p.p.p.n. - Extra night - €35 p.p.p.n. - Priority booking - €15 per booking. - Excluding destinations - €5 per destination. Cities you have already visited with us can be excluded for free. - 4-star hotel upgrade - €25,00 p.p.p.n. - Sitting next to each other - €20,00 p.p. - Check-in bagage 15 kg €70 p.p.

With which airline will I travel?

On your booking conformation you’ll find the airline you’ll be travelling with. We use a selection of modern European airlines.

Are all taxes included in the price?

Yes, all taxes like airport fees and fuel surcharges are included in the price. Possible tourist tax might be charged by the hotel during your stay.

Where can I find the terms and conditions?

You can find these all the way at the bottom of the page.

During booking

Are all departure dates guaranteed available?

In most cases we’ll be able to handle your booking on one of the preferred dates you put in when making the reservation. In some cases it might happen we do not have packages available from the departure airport selected by you or on the dates you wish to travel. In that case you can either choose an alternative date proposed by us or you can request a full refund.

I want to travel soon, when can I depart?

The departure date must be min. 21 days in the future on the moment of booking. All dates are subject to availability. It can happen that some dates are fully booked. We have the best availability for departure dates that are 2 or 3 months in the future.

What is the minimum age to travel alone on a Surprise Citytrip?

Passengers from the age of 18 years old may travel without their parents on a Surprise Citytrip. Passengers younger than 18 year of age must always be joined by a passenger older than 18 years.

What does a surprise citytrip cost?

All prices you can find when you click on 'book now'.

Can I extend my 3-day citytrip to a longer trip?

Yes, of course! Please select how many additional nights you’d like to book with us when you make the booking on our website. Please note that this is only possible when you make your reservation, after booking it's not possible to add extra nights.

Flight information

How much luggage may I bring on my citytrip?

You may bring 10 kilogram of handluggage, for the allowed size please refer to your booking confirmation. Additional luggage to be checked in can be purchased when making your reservation with us.

With which travel documents may I travel?

You may travel with a valid passport or European ID-card. You can not travel with a drivers' licence. To enter the UK, you must have a valid passport. You can no longer travel to the UK with an ID-card. It is your own responsibility to obtain a correct travel document in time.

How does the check-in for my flights work?

You can find all instructions to check-in for your flights at

What to do in case of cancellations or delays?

In case your flight has been cancelled or delayed (for example due to strikes or weather circumstances) the airline will inform you. When your flight is cancelled or delayed you must go to the airline information desk at the airport. The airline will (and must) provide you alternative options. In case you don't wish to use these options or prefer not to travel anymore we can't give you any compensation. In some cases you can claim a certain amount at your travel insurance.

At your destination

We’d like to travel with 3 people, how does it work with the hotelroom?

When you’ll travel with 3 people you’ll be accommodated on a triple room (if available) without any additional cost.

In what sort of hotel will I be staying and where will it be located?

For each destination we have several hotels available which we work with. All the hotels are tested and rated by us to avoid problems for you during your trip. Most of the hotels we book are located in or near the citycentre. In case the hotel is located outside the city centre a convenient transport link will be available. All the hotels have at least a 3-star standard.

Are airport transfers included?

No, transfers are not included in our packages. We recommend you to use the local public transport.

Does my hotel always have a private bathroom?

Yes, all rooms where we accommodate our customers have a private bathroom with toilet. You never have to share your bathroom with other guests in your accommodation.

How can I reach in case of an emergency?

In case of non-emergency situations you can contact us via the contactpage on our website. In case of an emergency when you are at one of our destinations we urgently request you to call the emergency phone line as stated in your booking confirmation. This so we can assist you directly.


Can I cancel my Surprise Citytrip?

No, it’s not possible to cancel your trip and then receive a refund of the amount paid. We do appreciate it if you can inform is when you no longer intend to travel. In that case we can inform the airline and hotel so no delay will be caused for other travellers.

Can I change the names of the passengers after making the booking?

Yes, it is possible to change the name of one or multiple passengers against the name change fee the airline is charging. For further information about that please contact us via e-mail.

Special requests

I’m disabled. Can I travel with a Surprise Citytrip?

Due to the huge variation in destinations and hotelaccommodations we can’t guarantee that both of them will be suitable for a disabled traveller. Due to that we do not recommend you to book our packages. In case you would like to request assistance to board the airplane, please contact the airline directly after you've received your booking confirmation.

Is it possible to bring children or babies on a Surprise Citytrip?

Yes, that’s possible. Please select the tickbox 'child' when entering the passenger names and fill in the birthdate of your child. There is no special fare for babies or children available. It's not possible to add children after making your reservation. Be aware: when children of babies are added to your booking, we can't make any exceptions for special destinations or facilities in accommodations. When this is important for you, we advise you not to book a surprise citytrip.

Can I take medical devices and/or special medicines on my flight?

Please contact the airline directly to request this after you've received your booking confirmation.